InHerShoes Celebrates National Day of Courage


Photo Credit (L): Judith Martinez, Chief Catalyst Officer of InHerShoes, stepping out in Stuart Weitzman’s GOLDIE SHINE SNEAKER; captured by Esther Suh.

Photo Credit (R): Close-up shot of the GOLDIE SHINE SNEAKER; captured by Esther Suh.

February 4, 2022

Dear Catalysts,

Did you know that today, February 4, 2022 is National Day of Courage?

If you did not know this, I don't blame you -- not many do. Which is why I am so incredibly proud to share InHerShoes is breathing new life and new courage into this special day through the launch of a new partnership with shoe and high fashion company, Stuart Weitzman. This is the beginning of a long term partnership that will encompass launching a new mentorship program, educational series, and so much more. You can expect to hear more about how to get involved in our joint programs on this blog soon!

To commemorate this special day, I would love for you to celebrate and share your moments of courage - big and small -  with me, and the rest of the world!



 Originally begun by the Ford Foundation, the first Day of Courage took place on Monday, February 4, 2013, to commemorate Rosa Parks’ 100th birthday. Her refusal to give up her seat while riding a bus in Montgomery, Alabama led to her being arrested for civil disobedience and to what would become a 381-day bus boycott in 1955. A symbol of courage, she has been referred to by the U.S. Congress as the first lady of the civil rights movement. 


I founded InHerShoes Movement, a non-profit committed to catalyzing courage for girls and women around the world, to live and create courageously. The foundation of everything we do begins and ends with one question: What would you do if you were 1% more courageous? We take a stand for girls' freedom of expression, assertion of passion, and pursuit of possibility in every aspect of their lives: / @inhershoesmvmt



  • Voice your Courageous Stories

    Download some shareable social media graphics made by our InHerShoes team. If you would like to support, please post and share to your communities on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, wherever your voice is shared. If you are feeling extra courageous, I challenge you to share what being courageous means to you and where you have chosen courage over fear during these challenging times. I invite you to let your courage be a source of light and inspiration for those around you (some you may not even know you inspire daily). Use our hashtag #CatalyzeCourage so our community and team can follow along!

The entire InHerShoes community and I are so looking forward to hearing from you and drawing from your inspiration.


Stay courageous.

With love and courage,



What Women’s History Month Means to Us


Don’t wait for others to tell you that you can succeed