Building Courageous Careers: Meet Carrie Balisa of The Care Package

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May 31, 2021


Carrie Balisa

Meet Carrie, owner + founder of The Care Package and TCP Marketing, and one of the newest partners of In Her Shoes. Carrie is currently a full-time entrepreneur, mom, and fiancé -- all at the age 23 years old.




Meet Carrie, owner + founder of The Care Package and TCP Marketing, and one of the newest partners of InHerShoes. Carrie is currently a full-time entrepreneur, mom, and fiancé -- all at the age 23 years old. Carrie is a mother to a three-year-old boy named Lucas Carter.  She had Lucas when she was a Junior in College, studying to receive her BSBA in Business Marketing and International Business. 

As someone who started working at the age of 13, Carrie embodies a strong work ethic, coupled with a sky-is-the-limit and can-do-everything spirit. She juggled 2-3 different jobs even after giving birth to Lucas, on top pursuing her college degree. In January 2021, she finally took the reins of her career and began working for herself as she founded her new businesses. The mission and vision of The Care Package is to take care, and to create for the sole purpose of creating for a good- not  wavering in quality, and always bettering yourself to better serve others.  Keep reading below to understand how Carrie balances her work and life priorities - and what she sees for her future. Don’t miss an upcoming In Her Shoes Instagram Live on June 2nd at 3PM PST with Carrie where she shares her story in more depth.

1) First of all, what motivates you? How do you manage to do it all?

I have always been a dreamer and go-getter. I have always believed in myself and my abilities to pursue more than one career. After all, life is full of possibilities, why not try to walk through all the open doors that you can? Why do you have to do just one thing?

When I started out offering my digital marketing services in college, it was just as a means of helping a friend. I didn’t even know what to charge her for my web design services at first, but I saw it as an opportunity to grow my UX/UI skills.  As I gained valuable experience building her Website, I knew I could offer my services to others and my business was born. Today, I help over 80 clients internationally with their Web design, HR and print needs -- I still sometimes pinch myself about this.

I started The Care Package based on my interest in caring for other people. It’s kind of ironic, but all my close friends and family call me “Care” and being caring is just in my blood. In the pandemic, it was clear to me that people craved connections and warmth so I wanted to create a Take Care box -- filled with self-care essentials. I started this business by starting a blog and marketing select products -- and then it just sort of took off from there by word-of-mouth.

I am also proud to serve as inspiration to my fiancé and partner. He is a math teacher by trade, but he is also growing his passion for autoracing through his site

2) How do you focus on your career, your baby and yourself?  

Naturally, focusing on my child is at the top of my priority list, but I am also a huge advocate for self-care. I always kept in mind that if I took care of my mind, body, and soul, then I’ll be able to be 100% present for my son. There are some days where it can get difficult, and still to this day sometimes I feel like I am running in circles (as  well as chasing him in circles!). I always make it a priority to carve out “me time” for at least two days each week. Whether that translates to getting out of my home, grabbing coffee and relaxing somewhere, heading to the beach, anything really works as long as I can find some tranquility. I find that it’s important to take time to center yourself again, and for me, that is when I also work the best. When my son was a baby, I carried a lot of  “mom guilt” which every parent experiences.  I could not focus on anything but him, not even myself. What helps is, once you know your life revolves around your children, yourself, and your partner, everything in balance - work, life, and parenting gets a bit better. You are in control to make choices to find your balance.

3) How do you shuffle and balance priorities?  

In 2017, when I found out I was expecting, I was a Junior in College for my Bachelors Degree in  Business Marketing + International business, I was juggling three jobs and still figuring my life out. I learned that you are never ready for a child, and you kind of get tossed in it and have to  figure it all out. But I found beauty in the chaos. Priorities will get shuffled and unbalanced, but you have to find your rhythm, as well as a way to equally give love to everything on your “priority list”. As a mother, you juggle 20 jobs once you have a child. But it is in-between those jobs that you find a way to also concentrate on yourself and your well-being.  

4) What is your guiding light or north star to stay centered and balanced?

My north star is definitely my son. It is cliche to say, but my son saved my life. I was in the dark, did not know how to love myself, and I thought I had it all figured out and just scrolling through life on my phone. When he came along, my life suddenly had color in it. I also found a higher purpose. 

5) Are you living out your dreams (career and family) as you expected?  

I am living far beyond where I am expected to be. As a young mom, I never would have pictured my life this way, but I never wavered in my goals and dreams in my life. Having my son was when I realized that I am not only doing this for myself now, it is all for him. He gave me purpose and fueled my drive to keep going. I definitely feel that I am living out my dreams… I am 23 years old with a three-year-old who growls like a dinosaur and butts into my zoom meetings; an entrepreneur handling two businesses tracking for more growth and success; and finally someone who is loving myself and living life to its fullest. I am grateful for it all -- for all my life experiences.


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